Treat Yourself to a Round

Our Current Rates are Listed in Our Online Booking Engine

Rates & Reservations
We offer Demand Based Pricing. Learn more about it below!









Enjoy your “BEST VALUE” when booking online!

Golf Shop @ 732.901.4900 x 2

Dress Code

Proper attire must be always worn at all times on the golf course. Denim jeans/shorts, cargo pants/shorts, gym & tennis shorts, cut-off and short shorts, athletic warm-up suits, tee shirts, tank tops and halter tops are not considered acceptable clothing.
Men's and Ladies apparel should include items customarily purchased through a golf shop including pants, shorts and/or skirts that no more than three inches above the knee. Men’s shirts must have a collar and sleeves (mock collars are acceptable).

What is Demand Based Pricing?

Demand Based Pricing by definition, refers to our rates changing constantly in real time, based on the demand of the consumer. Plenty of factors play into the fluctuation of our rates such as time of day, weather, and most importantly demand. This model operates in real time and prices fluctuate as tee times sell or get cancelled.

How Does this Benefit You?

Demand Based Pricing allows you to get the tee time and price you want by booking in advance and taking advantage of our seven day booking window! The sooner you book, the better chance you have of getting a lower price! This pricing model is new to the golf industry, however airlines, hotels, and even sports teams have been using this pricing model for years to better serve their guests and fans.


• Create a Player Profile when booking online. Reservations are saved to your profile and require a credit card to book tee time and guarantee a reservation.
• Rates are based on Double Occupancy Riders of Golf Carts. All Green Fees are inclusive of Cart Rental. Golf Car is required until 1:00pm April - October. Walking is permitted November – March.
• Driving Range is CLOSED on Thursday's until 2PM for maintenance
• Tee Times can be made seven days in advance for four players per reservation. The credit card holder is responsible for the fees of all players within the tee time.
• Cancellation Policy: Tee Times not cancelled at minimum 24 hours in advance are subject to full green fees charged on the credit card used to create the reservation and issued a rain check towards future play.
• To avoid unwanted charges - modifications and cancellations can be done by emailing [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance of your tee time. If canceling the entire foursome, you may do this yourself through your Customer Profile.
• All play is at your own risk & sold under condition of adherence to our pace of play policy


• Rain checks will be issued to guests who are unable to complete their round because of inclement weather or the closure of the golf course caused by unsafe conditions. The green fee value of the rain check is pro-rated based on the rate the guest paid, and number of holes completed that day based on the following {0-3 holes = 100%; 4-9 holes = 50%; after 9 holes no rainchecks}. Rain Checks are valid for one year from date of issuance.
• All Course Reservations are Subject to Change throughout the day. Twilight Tee Times do not guarantee 18-holes and carts are due back to the clubhouse as posted in the clubhouse.
• May - October watering the golf course may be necessary to preserve turf health. As such irrigation heads may be going on through the day. We apologize for this inconvenience.
• Beverage Cart Service is available Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, however, may be limited based on play volume. Before/After these dates beverage cart service may be limited only to weekend or terminated. Guests are encouraged to purchase items prior to tee off from The Hut or Pub. On course drinking water was eliminated during COVID out of health concerns.

It is our policy to restrict motorized golf cart traffic when weather or turf conditions warrant.

This policy ensures that we can continue to provide the best possible playing conditions by preventing damage to the course.

Golfers who are qualified individuals with disabilities must identify themselves to management, and provide a handicap parking tag. Management will provide these golfers with a flagged golf cart and allow the golfer to access restricted areas around greens and bunkers as course conditions warrant. Golfers with handicap flags will be permitted to drive to within 20 feet from the greens.

Please understand that golf cart traffic may adversely affect turf as well playability. We appreciate your cooperation in using and exercising good judgment. Any use of carts off the cart path is at your own risk and any problems or injuries resulting from such use are the golfer’s responsibility. For safety reasons, we strongly discourage the use of the golf cart on severe slopes or through tall grass area. Natural, un-mowed areas may be designated as environmentally sensitive; please avoid these areas with the
golf cart. Carts will not be allowed inside any roped off areas.

Course management reserves the right to restrict all cart traffic in the rare instances when excessive heat, moisture stress, new turf, or other weather- related or maintenance-related conditions create extreme safety issues or which would result in any cart traffic causing serious damage to the course.

On such days the course will be designated “Cart Path Only.” If at any time it is apparent these conditions exist, please call the course first.

Violation of this policy may result in suspension of golf privileges.

If you have any questions, please contact Allen DePuy, Golf Course Manager, at (732) 901.4900

It is recommended that golfers call the course first to obtain information on current course condition.